Turbo Piranha is a highly configurable software to fit your needs easily. You can adjust your shipping costs, preparation costs if you have any, settings for selection and discarding items and finally the settings for items that have variations.
Authorize Turbo Piranha (MWS Settings is deprecated)
Recently, we migrated our application to Amazon SP API, so with the new API it’s easier to authorize Turbo Piranha and start using it. Please check this user guide for more information: Initial Configuration of Turbo Piranha
Cost/Profit Settings
Selling Price Selection Order
Since most of your Amazon Fees are based on your selling price, your cost and profit calculations are also done based on your selling price. While doing their analyses, most of the Amazon Sellers want to use New Item Buybox prices for their analysis, but some other Amazon Sellers want to do their calculations using the Lowest New Item prices, and many booksellers who sell used books prefer to use Used Item Buybox prices or Used Item Lowest prices.
On the other hand, sometimes Amazon does not set a Buybox seller for some items for several reasons, and also there may be only FBA or only FBM offers. For this reason, we’ve created the selling price selection order option for you.
In this way, if you selected the Buybox New Landed Price for your calculations, but if there is no Buybox price for an item, we use the next price preferred by the seller in the program settings. Similarly, if the user selected the lowest new FBA landed price, but if there is no FBA offer, we use the next price selection for the profit/cost calculations. Even better, you can use the minimum of the Lowest FBA and FBM prices for either used or new items. In other words, this setting gives you that flexibility that you can say that if this price does not exist, use this one; if that one also does not exist use the other one; or always take the minimum price of both FBA and FBM business models.
For all cases, you can see our selection in the My Selling Price column of the Excel output file. In other words, you can play with your selling price and all your cost columns are updated automatically using the Excel formulas that we use in those cells.
Settings for Shipping Costs
You can enter different shipping rates for your Shipping from Supplier, Shipping to Amazon (for FBA), Shipping to Customer (for FBM) costs if you have different rates for each. In addition, since different couriers uses different coefficients as Dimensional Weight Divisor we also created a setting for that. This setting has the most common coefficients of the major couriers, i.e. USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL.
Preparation Cost
Almost all of the Amazon Sellers have a cost to prepare the items for shipping no matter if they follow either FBA or FBM business model. FBA sellers must prepare and ship items to Amazon Warehouses, and FBM sellers must prepare and ship the items to the customers directly. For this reason, we have a separate setting for preparation costs per item. For the sellers who have their own staff, this cost is lower than the costs of others who use the services of Prep Centers. We put $1.50 for USA and CA, £1,50 for UK and €1.50 for other European marketplaces as a default value to be on the safe side, but this number is usually between 0.25 and 0.75 for most of the Amazon sellers. Please set your own cost here for the optimum results.
We don’t show money and weight units here but it’s automatically used the default currency and weight units of that marketplace. In other words, USD and lbs for USA, Euro and Kg for Germany and so on.
Settings for the Items to be Discarded
Sometimes due to the missing size and weight information, Amazon does not send any Amazon fee information to us. For this reason, we can’t calculate your profit and ROI values correctly due to this missing information. Likewise, for some items, there is no Buybox offer, there is no active offer or there is no sales rank information just because it’s a new item on the marketplace.
In such cases, based on your settings, you’ll see those records in a separate worksheet, Discarded Amazon Listings, and also you’ll see the reason why they were discarded as shown in the image below.
Our settings for the discarded items are shown below. By default, we set only these two options shown below. On the other hand, if you want to include them, or send more items to the discarded Amazon Listings worksheet, you can select or deselect other options below and click the save button.
Other Settings
The last settings tab is for additional settings such as variations and output file directory.
Some items may have several variations (size, color, etc.) such as shoes or apparel items. If you want to add all those related (parent and sibling) items, you can select these two check boxes. Please keep in mind that some items, you can get hundreds of related items at once, so even if you have a few hundred items in your list, you can get thousands of results and this makes your processing time longer than usual.
Output Directory
Some sellers want to create the output files always in a specific folder but some others prefer to create in the same folder with the input. Based on your preference, you can save your Output file to the same folder with the source, or keep all of them under the Documents folder.
Hopefully, these tips make your life easier and you can get more from TURBO PIRANHA. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
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